It is nice to have a dedicated mapper for each game. conf files which you can tweak heavily for performance and also have reference a unique mapper file for the button mappings. One of the key benefits of dosbox SDL2 version is it works well with. That said, I just haven't been able to get it to work for mouse emulation on dosbox SDL2. For everything else I use the SDL2 emulator as it has the best performance and the best button mapping and joystick emulation. I only use dosbox libretro for mouse driven games like dune2 and warcraft (RTS games). You have two options for dos emulation dosbox SDL2 and dosbox_libretro. If you aren't interested in dos games then you can completely neglect this post. I thought I'd share my findings on the forum. I have spent a lot of time testing and tweaking dosbox games on Emuelec.